Sujok Treatments
Hall Health Center in Venice

Treatment in Su Jok clinic
In Su Jok clinic of Su Jok therapy you:
Will undergo diagnostic examination and treatment based on the Su Jok acupuncture technique can consult a doctor Here an individual approach is practised taking into account the patient's constitution, his or her emotional and mental status.
For some patients medical care is provided free of charge.
The number of sick patients who underwent their treatment at the Su Jok Academy clinic ran into 6170. The treatment was provided purely on the basis of the Su Jok approach. The results obtained you can find in the following graph.
1 – improvement in health >80%
2 – improvement in health >50%
3 – improvement in health >30%
4 – improvement in health <30%
5 – remaining unchanged
Practical application of the method has proved its high effectiveness in dealing with:
neurological diseases
different manifestations of osteochondrosis
aftereffect of the
impairment of cerebral circulation
coping with pain
in nefrology and urology
in gynaecology
in dermatology
in ophthalmology
in traumatology
acute and chronic diseases
associated with gastrointestinal tract
peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
diseased conditions affecting
liver and gall bladder, pancreas
chronic colitidis, constipations, etc.
acute and chronic diseases of
the respiratory system
bronchial asthma
respiratory diseases
cardiovascular diseases
constriction of the heart
myocardial infarction aftereffect
diseased endocrine system, metabolic abnormalities
impaired thyroid gland, adrenals, ovaries
diabetes mellitus
a variety of emotional disturbances
mental depression
alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction
A few Su Jok self help tips for instant relief :
Who has never felt a pain in the back? You’ll agree it’s really unpleasant. The back is aching and you can hardly turn or bend, sometimes it’s even difficult to tie up the shoes...
And it is common knowledge that most of the internal diseases are connected with the condition of the vertebral column.
Where are the points helping to get rid of pain in the back?
These are the points corresponding to the vertebral column. They are to be found in the <> systems on the fingers’ dorsal surface, where the vertebral column correspondence is located along each finger’ symmetry line (Fig. 102).
How shall we stimulate the above areas?
The simplest way allowing even to do without the exact determination of the correspondence points is the intensive massage of fingers with a Su Jok Elastic ring. Roll the ring along the finger till the sensation of warmth and skin reddening appears (Fig. 103).
To speed up the effect, massage each finger with the ring, and for a better effect, add the massage of each toe as well. Such a massage can stop a violent pain in the back within 3 to 10 minutes! It is such an effective and simple manipulation that it. Can be carried out at the workplace, in any transport vehicle, and at home (the main thing is to have your hands free).
If you have low back pain and you would like to treat that particular part of the vertebral column, you should find tender points in the loin correspondence area and perform out the massage with a diagnostic stick. If you have no such a stick you can use fingers, a match or a pencil instead.
You can fix a strip of adhesive plaster with a chain of seeds on it to the vertebral column correspondence area or fix black pepper peas, or buckwheat, garden radish and beet seeds in the sensitive points in the loin projection (Fig. 104). Periodical pressing on them will stop the pain.
If you have a moxa or wormwood cigar be sure to warm up the correspondence points. Remember that a deep penetrating sensation of warmth should appear in the warmed areas. It is especially useful if the pain is caused by exposure to cold or heavy lifting.
And of course, you can use capsicum pepper for pro longed warming. Take a little piece of plaster of appropriate shape and fix it to the vertebral column area in any known correspondence system. The plaster can be left on the hands for two or three days. If you don’t want to attract other people’s attention to your hands, you can apply the capsicum plaster on your hands for the night only or you can use correspondence areas on your feet.
Other Treatments:
I.P.Minasyan, M.D., doctor at the Su Jok Academy, Moscow
Male patient D., age 41. Had been ill for about a year.
Complaints about the sensation of tightness in the thoracic and neck region which causes fear. Objective examination (ECG, blood examination and urinalysis) did not reveal pathological changes. Pharmacotherapy made his condition worse.
Treatment was started by warming up of energy points of the hands and feet. Localization of symptoms in the upper half of the body allowed to relate them to disorders in the Upper Vertical Core meridian. Then followed sedation of Dryness energy, tonification of Heat energy, sedation of Coldness energy in the Upper Vertical Core byol-meridian (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Sedation of Dryness energy in the structure of the Upper Vertical Core byol-meridian
Two sessions resulted in lasting remission.
Dr. I.P. Smirnova, physician, Moscow
Patient N: 6 years old.
Diagnosis: recurrent bronchitis, exacerbation. Secondary immune deficiency condition.
Because of frequent and prolonged afflictions of the upper respiratory tract the girl doesn't go to the kindergarten. She came with complaints of increased body temperature up to 37.6°C, violent cough, running nose.
Considering prolonged common colds in the girl, her low immunity, I decided to give the following treatment:
moxibustion with mini-moxas of the energy points of AH- and UM-surfaces of the right hand;
moxibustion with mini- and micromoxas of the points and areas corresponding to the nasopharynx, trachea on the hands and feet;
apple seed application onto the warmed sensitive correspondence points (Fig. 1);
Fig. 1. Seed therapy of acute disease of the upper respiratory tract with apple seeds
- honey compress on the chest correspondence on the hands:
- massage of sensitive points with an elastic ring.
The next day the girl came practically healthy, only with scanty mucous discharge from the nose. A repeat procedure resulted in complete recovery.
Within the following three months the girl fell ill two times, but her mother promptly began treatment on the hands and feet, and the illness was stopped in the beginning
Zh.M.Tatarkina, M.D., Vladivostok, Russia.
Male: age 34.
Since 18 years of age has been suffering from atopic bronchial asthma, light form. Allergologic investigation revealed sensitization to home and library dust and to home pets' hair.
Reports of his condition growing worse during the past month before the visit: more frequent asthmatic attacks, stronger dyspnoea, has to use his inhaler 2 to 3 times daily. Above both lungs dry, predominantly high-pitched rhonchi were being ausculted. A spirogram revealed obstruction of small bronchi predominantly. Pykfluometric tests at the red zone border-line.
I interpreted that the patient has excessive branch Dryness in the lung meridian. I started therapy by warming up of the points corresponding to bronchi in the standard correspondence system; then, I carried out sedation of branch Dryness structural energy on the lungs byol-meridian (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Treatment of atopic bronchial asthma. Sedation of branch Dryness in the lung byol-meridian
On the following day the patient reported that he slept calmly at night, shortness of breath was less. I conducted three more treatment sessions according to the given prescription. The patient felt better but still had to use the inhaler 1 to 2 times daily, there could be ausculted some dry rhonchi in the lungs. So I decided to act directly on the small bronchi, decreasing Dryness energy (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Sedation of subbranch Dryness in branch Wind of UM-Dryness
After two sessions the patient already could do without the inhaler, and three days later no rhonchi could be ausculted in the lungs. I carried out seven more sessions. The patient's condition became good: no dyspnoea and asthmatic attacks were observed, he did not use the inhaler any longer. Pykfluometric tests were normal. On examination two months later - the patient's condition was good, no asthmatic attacks during this period. On auscultation - no rhonchi in the lungs. Pykfluometric tests within the norm.
Say No to Constipation
From time to time all of us have to face such unpleasant thing as constipation. But don’t hurry to take laxatives, may be you can help yourself. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, begin doing your morning exercises, take long walk, ride a bicycle and use Su Jok therapy methods.
Where the points are located that help to constipation?
This is the large intestine correspondence area (Fig 121)
How to do away with constipation?
First of all, find the tender correspondence point in the large intestine projection and thoroughly massage them with a diagnostic stick. Then perform finger massage of the whole large intestine correspondence area in the form of circular motions in the direction coinciding with the bowel movement (Fig 122)
You can also use seeds. Fix them in the 1arge intestine correspondence area in such a way that their energy flow coincides with the bowel movement.
What seeds should be selected for the therapy?
Flax, caraway, water-melon and melon seeds as well as apple and grape stones are preferable (Fig.123).
It is very important to warm up the most tender correspondence points with moxas. If you have a wormwood cigar, you can perform warming by the ironing technique: move the ignited cigar over the large intestine projection until the pleasant warmth appears (Fig. 124).
Regularly perform intensive massage of the palms and soles. It can be done with fingers, a roller massager, golf ball, walnut, chestnut, etc. (Fig. 125).
In case you are loosing weight and have admixtures of blood or mucus in the stools, you should consult your doctor.
Treatment for Lambago
A case from doctor H. Petrov's practice, Rouse cyti, Bulgaria
44 years old.
Immobile. Complained of sharp pain in the area L4-L5 (fourth-fifth lumbar vertebrae). The complaint appeared when he lifted a heavy load the day before that.
I found very painful points in the projection of fourth-fifth lumbar vertebrae on all fingers and toes (System "Insect").
I put three needles in each pain point on four fingers of the right hand and on four toes of the left foot.
The needles stayed for thirty minutes.
After their removal the pain in the waist totally disappeared.
I studied the patient's condition during the following couple of days. He felt absolutely healthy.
One procedure was enough for healing the illness.
P. Stefanova's personal observation, Rouse city, Bulgaria, 48 years old
She had a malignant formation with the size of a golf ball in her right breast. The tumor was diagnosed at a late stage and the condition of the patient didn't allow operation .
The sick woman found pain zones in the projections of the right breast - according to the Main system and the "Insect" system.
She used the Main correspondence system and put a “cover” of 20 needles on the pain zones in the projections of the breast on one hand and one leg. She warmed up the fixed needles for 30 minutes.
In the next procedure she used the “Insect” system and put a “cover” of 20 needles on the pain areas in the projections of the breast on one finger and one toe. She warmed up the needles with moxa for 30 minutes.
She alternates the procedures.
After the sixth procedure the tumor was not hard any more. After the twelfth procedure it became drastically smaller. The woman ha d another course of 12 procedures. After that the tumor c couldn't be found by a person who is not a specialist. Such drastic reverse development of a breast tumor has not been known in the practice of the hospital where she was a patient and this allowed further surgical intervention.