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Frequently asked questions about Sujok

  1. What is the difference between Sujok Acupuncture & Chinese Acupuncture?
  2. Is Sujok (hand & foot) Acupuncture used only to treat hand and feet diseases?
  3. What are the materials used in Sujok?
  4. What is Onnuri Medicine?
  5. Can it cure all the diseases?
  6. How many days will it take to cure a disease?
  7. Can I undergo Sujok where one is under other treatment like Allopathy, Ayurveda, Sidha etc?
  8. Can Sujok and Chinese Acupuncture be done together?
  9. Can a lay know learn Sujok?
  10. How long it will take to study or master Sujok?
  11. Is there any side effect for the treatment?
  12. Do the needles another materials used in Sujok transmit disease?
  13. Where can I learn Sujok and whom should I contact?
  14. In which countries Sujok is being practiced?
  15. What are the basic principles in Sujok therapy?
  16. How permanent is the treatment effective?
  17. What precaution should I take during the treatment?

  1. What is the difference between Sujok Acupuncture & Chinese Acupuncture?
The concept and principles are same in both based on oriental philosophy of Yin - Yang principle and 5 element principle. The circulation of treatment is done mostly in hands & feet in Sujok unlike in the whole body in Chinese Acupuncture.
2. Is Sujok (hand & foot) Acupuncture used only to treat hand and feet diseases?
No though Sujok treatment is done only in hands & feet it is for all the diseases affecting all the systems & whole body.
3. What are the materials used in Sujok?
Treatment is done in Sujok using Microneedles, MicroMagnets (like Star Magnets, Byol meridian Magnets (N&S), Bar Magnets, Chakra Magnets), Micro&Mini Moxa, Rollers, Ring Massagers, Inserters used for inserting needles, Seeds and many natural materials.
4. What is Onnuri Medicine?
Onnuri means whole world & all encouraging. Onnuri medicine encompasses, Sujok Acupuncture, Onnuri Auricular therapy (done in External Ear), Scalp therapy links (both upper & lower limbs). Apart from the original oriental principles newer principles like Six ki theory, Eight origin principles, Chakra therapy and Diamond Structure principle, Triorigin M particle theory principle and triorigin Sequence theory etc.
5. Can it cure all the diseases?
Any diseases can be cured and controlled using the principles of Onnuri medicine and Sujok Acupuncture therapy.
6. How many days will it take to cure a disease?
Treatment effectiveness can be had from the movement treatment is started irrespestive of the duration of illness. Usually 5-10 sitting cure more than enough at proper spacing is enough to cure most of the diseases.
7. Can I undergo Sujok where one is under other treatment like Allopathy, Ayurveda, Sidha etc?
Sujok can be done along with any other system of therapy. No contre indication. No side effects. Can go well with all systems of medicine.
8. Can Sujok and Chinese Acupuncture be done together?
Sujok and Chinese acupuncture can be done simultaneous at the same session without any interference.
9. Can a lay know person learn Sujok?
Anyone can learn Sujok. Sujok is natural method of treatment. Any person who has knowledge and minimal logic can learn Sujok and treat himself, his family members as well. The aim of Sujok Association in to make one sujok doctor in each family on planet Earth.
10. How long it will take to study or master Sujok?
Sujok can be learnt in one hour or 1 year. The basis and principles of correspondence therapy can be learnt at a very short period. But the principles philosophies and theory like Yin Yang, 5 elements, Six Ki constitutions, Six Emotions constitutions, Six Reasons constitutions, Eight Origins, Homo & Hetero, Neuto & Neutro principles, Triorigin principles need a longer time since they are deeper science requiring more time to master the knowledge.
11. Is there any side effect for the treatment?
Sujok is 100% safe. The hands and feet are free from internal organs, therefore perfectly safe to stimulate. Free of side effects. Proper utilisation of instruments is taught to practitioners and to patients for self treatment.
12. Are the needles and other materials used in Sujok are safe?
Su Jok Therapy uses magnets, seeds, colors, hand massage and remote energy healing.
Licensed acupuncturists, doctors and qualified medically trained practitioners also use needles.

The only instrument that pierces the skin is sujok needle. They are mostly used as disposable needles. (Throw away after single use) or used as single patient needles (i.e the needles used are removed, sterilized and used on the same patient). Never needles are interchanged. So no chance of disease transmission. Patients can always demand for single use needles as they are less expensive. Since the other materials are not used to pressure the skin Chances of transmission of diseases are almost inexistant.
13. Where can I learn Sujok and whom should I contact?
Sujok Acupuncture is taught all over the world by many-experienced practitioners, recognized by Sujok Academy and International Sujok Acupuncture Association. These recognised lecturers can be contacted through ISA USA or through this website. We provide Basic & Advanced lectures for groups of students and individuals at our offices or remoely online.
14. In which countries Sujok is being practiced?
Onnuri Medicine and Sujok Acupuncture is being practiced about all over the world. In January 1987, Prof Park Jae Woo first published his research in a medical journal in Seoul, Korea. Rapidly, in the early 90' s, Su Jok became very popular among medical doctors in Eastern Europe and India, then sprea worldwide.
15. What are the basic principles in Sujok therapy?
According to the principles of Onnuri medicine and Oriental Energetic Concepts, diseases occur in human body and mind are purely due to the imbalances of the basic forces of expansion and contraction nullification and harmonisation, later refined as climatic perceivable manifestions such as the six energies activating chakras and meridians on the structural and functional level. Each one responsible for different systems such as:
Nervous system. Respiratory system. Circulatory system. Digestive system. Excretory system. Immune system and reproductive system.
On the structural level:
Wind: Anahata, liver and gb meridians, thymus gland, emotionally : anger Mentally: originality.
Heat: Vishudha, heart and small intestine meridians, thyroid gland, emotionally : joy,  mentally: desire
Hotness: Adjna, Brain and Spinal Cord meridian, pineal body and pituitary gland, satisfaction as an emotion and intention as a mental attribut.
Sujok system works typically with 22 chakras, meridians, emotions and internal organs.
Acting upon them. Sujok achieves cure by bringing balance and harmony of the forces in the body and mind. This in most cases brings instant relief. Remission of symptoms as well as full recovery in many cases when course of treatment is completed.
16. How permanent is the treatment effectiveness?
Treatment effectiveness permanent in most cases, especially if the practitioner administers complete course of treatment and patient follow a change in life style and consciousness. Exercise, yoga, meditation, etc. ) and sain nutrition are often enough to keep the patient healthy afterwards.
17. What precaution should I take during the treatment?
There is no need for any precautions to be taken during the treatment. Since the therapy is natural and cures only the natural forces in and around the body, it is one of the safest therapies. For faster cure and better results, proper diet and life style as well as regularity following treatment schedule are the keys of success for the treating physician.

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